Thursday, September 13, 2007


11 more weeks of "How to be a teacher" classes...and then, the real education begins.
....not that I'm counting down the days.....


Anonymous said...

This is the only way I can send messages to you. Email is blocked, I'm restricted on phone calls and they gave me stationary to write you but gave us no stamps to mail them with. They do this stuff on purpose. Anyways, I can post comments as annonymous. You can delete this message if you want so it doesn't hang out on the page. Everything here is very very very stressful. In order to keep up (which is impossible) you have to cut out so many time-wasting tasks: showering, cleaning, sleeping. The past few days I've gotten a total of 9 hours of sleep. I was actually so tired that I almost fell asleep standing up. I did get your letters, about five of them. I don't know if they come and are held till a specific day or what. Anyways, do not send me any packages. At least not till later. As of right now if I get a package I have to open it in front of my DI and it almost always results in what we call "beatings". I wish I can tell you more but I don't have much time to stay here. I'll try to send you another post message when I get on the computer. Love you soooooooo much.



Kate said...

jeremy, I love you so much. I got your email and it was probably the best thing you could have done. I'll have a big smile on my face for days now. Post on the blog if you need to, it's just nice to hear from you. Don't worry about anything, I know you're going to do great. They make the tasks impossible on purpose. I know that doesn't help you much, but I believe in you, and I'm proud of you! I'm so proud.

I love you too, bebe!